HER HOME & HEART / Reducing Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms

Want Strong Family Bonds and Confident Kids? Make It Easy Through Life Skills and Critical Thinking with Katie Kimball // 247

Episode Summary

This episode tackles the overwhelm of raising kids to be independent and confident, by showing you how to make life skills a fun and manageable part of your homeschool routine, while incorporating critical thinking skills to set them up for success in adult life. herhomeandheart.com

Episode Notes

Ever feel overwhelmed by the pressure to raise well-rounded, confident independent kids, who thrive as adults with amazing real-world skills and abilities?

It can feel like there's a million things they should know how to do – but where do you even begin, and why can’t you find a good homeschool curriculum to help you do this?

The good news is, teaching life skills can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your children, and can bring your family SO CLOSE as a team! Charlotte Mason emphasized the importance of practical living skills alongside a rich academic education, and it does not need to be difficult to weave into family life.


Today we have the pleasure of a conversation with Katie Kimball, the creator of Kitchen Stewardship and Kids Cook Real Food. Katie, a former teacher and a mother of four, shares her secrets to breaking down essential life skills into manageable steps, and making them a natural part of your homeschool day (or any day!).


The conversation explores the importance of teaching children life skills, and how it benefits them overall by growing self-confidence, independence, and resilience.


Katie details her approach to equipping kids with critical thinking skills, and shares the benefits of including kids in productive activities like cooking and chores.


She emphasizes the practical benefits of nurturing children's intrinsic motivations, and how these efforts contribute to a stronger family connection and a prepared journey into adulthood.

So ditch the overwhelm and get excited to empower your kids with the confidence they need to thrive!


P.S. Don’t journey alone <3


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00:00 Welcome Back Katie Kimball!

00:26 Katie's Journey from Teacher to Teaching Kids to Cook

02:02 The Impact of Blogging and Supporting Moms

02:23 Challenges of Healthy Eating and Parenting

03:56 Empowering Kids with Life Skills and Confidence

05:18 Virtual Life Skills Camp and Teaching Flexibility

13:09 Navigating Criticism and Embracing Hard Work

19:32 The Importance of Asking Questions and Encouraging Critical Thinking

23:22 Integrating Life Skills into Daily Routines

32:43 Closing Thoughts and How to Connect with Katie