HER HOME & HEART / Reducing Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms

Sick Kids? How to Homeschool and Thrive Anyway // 240

Episode Summary

Feeling overwhelmed homeschooling your sick kiddos? This episode offers Charlotte Mason-inspired tips for keeping learning alive with audiobooks, creative screen time, and simple meals – all without the stress of structured lessons. Grab your tea (or cough syrup) and tune in for a relaxed approach to sick day learning! linktr.ee/familysuccess

Episode Notes

With the kids stuck at home not feeling well, have you wondered how to keep them learning, while also giving them a break from structured lessons and screens?

Me too, friend! This week has been a whirlwind of sniffles and cozy blankets in our house, and while snuggles are definitely important, I also want to make sure learning doesn't completely come to a halt.

In this episode, I'm sharing my secrets for keeping homeschooling afloat even on sick days, and guess what?

They're secrets straight out of the Charlotte Mason playbook! We'll explore ways to make learning fun and engaging, without needing a ton of energy from you or your little ones. Think audiobooks (a Charlotte Mason favorite for nurturing a love of language!), creative screen time that sparks curiosity, and simple meal ideas that won't leave you chained to the kitchen.

So grab a warm mug of tea (or cough syrup, whatever you need!), and tune in for some encouragement and practical tips for homeschooling through the sniffles.

This episode is your antidote to overwhelm, and a sneaky way to weave some Charlotte Mason magic into your sick days! See you there!


P.S. Don’t journey alone <3



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