HER HOME & HEART / Simplifying Routines to Reduce Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms

How Do I Get My JOY Back When I Am So Overwhelmed By Motherhood? Spilling the Tea on ONE Simple EASY Solution // 248

Episode Summary

Think you have no time for self care, yet you know that the JOY in your motherhood journey is long gone? Today Katie and her busy mom friend Ashley dig into QUICK solutions to take care of YOU, without hour long baths, days at the spa, or lunch dates with girlfriends. As busy moms, we know the struggle, AND we know that you can reduce the overwhelm and FIND JOY in just a few small pauses each day. XOXO, Katie sipofdelight.com herhomeandheart.com

Episode Notes

Think you have no time for self care... yet you know that the JOY in your motherhood journey is long gone?

You aren't laughing any more, you feel edgy too often, maybe even angry... and you know this is NOT the kind of motherhood and family life you dreamed of? 

You worry you are ruining all you believed you could serve God well through? 

With homeschooling, cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring, special needs therapy appointments, any kind of volunteering, being a wife, and ALLL the mom things... it's so easy to find ourselves submerged too deep. Overwhelm swoops in hard and fast, taking our breath away and everything that feels good about this life goes with it. 

Today my busy mom-friend and fellow podcaster Ashley (of 'Special Kind of Motherhood') interviews me so we can dig into QUICK solutions to take care of YOU, (without hour long baths, days at the spa, or lunch dates with girlfriends)-- and get that RICH motherhood life experience back up and going again! 

As busy moms, we both know the struggle, AND we know that you can reduce the overwhelm, FIND JOY, and enjoy this special yet overwhelming season of life in just a few small pauses each day.  

Grab a warm cup of tea and let's chat together today. 
XOXO, Katie





Special Kind of Motherhood podcast: 