HER HOME & HEART / Reducing Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms

122 // Overwhelmed by PMS? Make Your Cycle Work FOR Your Homeschool Family with Leisha Drews Part 2

Episode Summary

Raging anger, depths of despair, crippling cramps, migraines, overwhelm, or pure exhaustion... maybe even your family throwing chocolate towards you as if you were a bear, then running away??? Does any of that describe your monthly experience as a female? If so, did you know your monthly cycle can be your FRIEND if you know how to work with, instead of against it? If PMS causes you pain, anxiety, headaches, wild emotions, or any other misery that we tend to think of as "common", today I am bringing you HOPE. You don't have to suffer. Motherhood, homeschooling, and family life demand the best of you. So let's go get it! I am speaking with Leisha Drews, mom of 3, RN, FDN-P and Holistic Hormone Coach and host of the Happily Hormonal Podcast. She brings a unique understanding of how our body systems work together and how stress on the body and mind impact overall health. Holistic health is her speciality, and she doesn't disappoint in this episode. We dive deep into cycle syncing as a way to understand how your hormones change throughout your menstrual cycle and can be helpful in planning your week. You are going to LOVE this! XO, Katie To Connect with Leisha: www.abundant-lifewellness.com PS For More on Katie's Top Health Hack: biohackandactivate.com/explore familysuccess.lifevantage.com PPS Let's create a path to a less stressful and more JOYFUL homeschool where your family can THRIVE! TESTIMONIALS and a Message from Katie here: Her Heart & Home - Coaching PPPS COME Learn and Benefit from Our Amazing Tribe! Holistic Living, Home Management, and Homeschooling for Christian...

Episode Notes

Raging anger, depths of despair, crippling cramps, migraines, overwhelm, or pure exhaustion... maybe even your family throwing chocolate towards you as if you were a bear, then running away???

Does any of that describe your monthly experience as a female?

If so, did you know your monthly cycle can be your FRIEND if you know how to work with, instead of against it? Did you know that nourishment and self care are simple ways to increase your well being and hormonal balance?

If PMS causes you pain, anxiety, headaches, wild emotions, or any other misery that we tend to think of as "common", today I am bringing you HOPE. You don't have to suffer. Motherhood, homeschooling, and family life demand the best of you. So let's go get it!

I am speaking with Leisha Drews, mom of 3, RN, FDN-P and Holistic Hormone Coach and host of the Happily Hormonal Podcast. She brings a unique understanding of how our body systems work together and how stress on the body and mind impact overall health. Holistic health is her speciality, and she doesn't disappoint in this episode.

We dive deep into cycle syncing as a way to understand how your hormones change throughout your menstrual cycle and can be helpful in planning your week.

You are going to LOVE this!


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