HER HOME & HEART / Simplifying Routines to Reduce Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms

5 End of Year Tricks to Finish Homeschooling Strong // 249

Episode Summary

Do you ever get to the end of that homeschool year and think "Oh my goodness, how can we keep going?! Everyone's burned out. Nobody wants to finish this!" Today I have 5 simple tricks that can help you have the momentum to finish the homeschool year strong. Then, move into whatever you plan to do for summer with joy, fulfillment, and contentment knowing that you did what you needed to do, and you had fun in the meantime. Herhomeandheart.com Sipofdelight.com

Episode Notes

Do you ever get to the end of that homeschool year and think "Oh my goodness, how can we keep going?! Everyone's burned out. Nobody wants to finish this!"  I know. Been there. You are not alone!

We can CHOOSE to banish the overwhelm, and intentionally claim our peace and joy.

Today I have 5 simple tricks that can help you have the momentum you need to finish the homeschool year strong. Then, you can move into the summer with joy, fulfillment, and contentment knowing that you did what you needed to do, and you had fun in the meantime.

I can't wait to hear what you think of these tricks over in the Facebook group! 



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