HER HOME & HEART / Simplifying Routines to Reduce Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms

3 Essential Hacks for Stress-Free Summer Outings without Prep Overwhelm // 251

Episode Summary

Do you ever start to prep for a summer outing, vacation, or an event everyone is looking forward to, and you get to the point where you're trying to get out the door…. and you think, “Why did I do this to myself?!? What. are. we. doing!?! I don't think I'm ever going to try this again...” I have found myself there. As a homeschool mom with a large family, special needs kids, and LOTS of outings... I needed to find ways to enjoy this part of my life! Today I’m sharing my top fun (and sanity) saving hacks, to make your summer outings and vacations as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Episode Notes

Do you ever start to prep for a summer outing, vacation, or an event everyone is looking forward to, and you get to the point where you're trying to get out the door…. and you think, “Why did I do this to myself?!? What. are. we. doing!?! I don't think I'm ever going to try this again...”

I have found myself there. As a homeschool mom with a large family, special needs kids, and LOTS of outings... I needed to find ways to enjoy this part of my life!

Today I’m sharing my top fun (and sanity) saving hacks, to make your summer outings and vacations as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

You’ll learn how to prep essential bags for seasonal activities, establish an all-purpose car bag, and create personalized snack packs to avoid last-minute stress. When we can create a seamless experience for ourselves, we increase the feeling of peace and fun for the whole family, especially important for those families managing extra needs.

I can't wait to hear what you think of these tricks over in the Facebook group!



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00:00 Introduction: The Struggle of Prepping for Outings
02:03 Hack #1: Pre-Pack Seasonal Bags
04:00 Hack #2: The Essential To-Go Bag for the Car
06:03 Hack #3: Personalized Snack Bags for Adventures
08:21 Recap and Community Engagement
09:59 Closing Remarks and Special Thanks