HER HOME & HEART / Reducing Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms

213 // Rediscovering Self Confidence as a Christian ADHD Woman with Lacey Estelle

Episode Summary

Have you ever felt like your ADHD makes you struggle to fit into society's mold, leaving you with self-doubt and the weight of stereotypes? In this episode, we welcome a special guest, Lacey Elle, host of An ADD Woman podcast, where she spreads positivity and understanding about life with ADHD. The topic we're diving into today is one that touches on the very essence of our lives, particularly for those of us who are mothers navigating the often overwhelming journey of ADHD. As we dive into Lacey's experiences and wisdom, we explore a critical problem that many women with ADHD face - the challenge of embracing our unique journey in a world that often expects us to conform to a different mold. We discuss the unique struggles, the self-doubt, and the stereotypes that can come with having ADHD. But more importantly, we uncover how to break free from these chains and find our true identity in Christ. This episode is a reminder that we're not alone in our imperfections and quirks. It's a beacon of hope for anyone who's ever felt like they didn't quite measure up. Lacey's insights will help you discover that your worth isn't defined by society's standards, but by a deeper, unwavering truth. As we navigate the maze of motherhood and ADHD, we'll learn how to shift our mindsets, rewrite our stories, and empower not only ourselves but also our families. XOXO, Katie P.S. Don’t journey alone <3 The Greater Honor Membership Community http://herhomeandheart.net/tgh FREE GIFT: 10 Secrets To Homeschooling Your High Needs Child WITHOUT Losing Your Mind (It's My Gift to You! Really! <3 ) http://herhomeandheart.net/specialneeds 3 STEPS TO REDUCE OVERWHELM: STEP 1) Feel good! https://bit.ly/focusedmama STEP 2) Community! https://urlgeni.us/facebook/HHAHGroup Step 3)  Hacks, Coupons, Courses, Memberships, and FUN THINGS! https://bit.ly/m/HerHomeandHeart Question For The Podcast? https://www.speakpipe.com/Katie

Episode Notes

Have you ever felt like your ADHD makes you struggle to fit into society's mold, leaving you with self-doubt and the weight of stereotypes?

In this episode, we welcome a special guest, Lacey Elle, host of An ADD Woman podcast, where she spreads positivity and understanding about life with ADHD.

The topic we're diving into today is one that touches on the very essence of our lives, particularly for those of us who are mothers navigating the often overwhelming journey of ADHD.

As we dive into Lacey's experiences and wisdom, we explore a critical problem that many women with ADHD face - the challenge of embracing our unique journey in a world that often expects us to conform to a different mold. We discuss the unique struggles, the self-doubt, and the stereotypes that can come with having ADHD. But more importantly, we uncover how to break free from these chains and find our true identity in Christ.

This episode is a reminder that we're not alone in our imperfections and quirks. It's a beacon of hope for anyone who's ever felt like they didn't quite measure up. Lacey's insights will help you discover that your worth isn't defined by society's standards, but by a deeper, unwavering truth. As we navigate the maze of motherhood and ADHD, we'll learn how to shift our mindsets, rewrite our stories, and empower not only ourselves but also our families.

P.S. Don’t journey alone <3
The Greater Honor Membership Community

10 Secrets To Homeschooling Your High Needs Child WITHOUT Losing Your Mind (It's My Gift to You! Really! <3 )




STEP 1) Feel good!

STEP 2) Community!


Step 3)  Hacks, Coupons, Courses, Memberships, and FUN THINGS!



Question For The Podcast?